Sahuarita AZ Approves Single Vendor Trash Provider

During the January 27, 2025 Sahuarita Town Council meeting, the council unanimously approved Waste Connections to be the exclusive provider for trash collection in Sahuarita.

The town council chambers was overflowing and a large number of residents spoke where several concerns were raised including:
  • Eliminating competition
  • Cost compared to what is currently being paid
  • Being required to get the service even if the residents don't currently have trash service
  • Concerns about how this impacts part-time residents

The town manager and attorney provided information during the meeting and answered questions of the town council.

Eliminating competition

Several speakers were concerned about eliminating competition and indicated the town was creating a monopoly. However, the town attorney responded by saying that many cities and towns across the county have contracted providers, pointed out that using contracted providers for a specified term still allows for competition and the end of the contract term. Many cities and towns, as they grow, create a public utility which is more of a monopoly since residents have no alternatives over time.

Cost compared to what is currently being paid

Although approximately 75% of residents stand to save money with Waste Connections, some Sahuarita residents have contracts with providers and will pay more once the contract expires. The couple of HOA’s in town with contracts will be allowed to keep their current rate until the contact expires. Initially, the town was proposing a cost of $24.50/month which would cost $73.60/quarter. After receiving feedback from residents, the town “sharpened their pencil” and was able to reduce the cost to $22.75 a month or $68.25/quarter. This will include once a week trash and recycle pick up and the addition of 4 times a year scheduled “Bulk” pick up. The price will be Fixed for the first 4 years of the 7 year contract. The final 3 years may be adjusted tied to a CPI index.

Note: Republic Services increased their price in Madera Highlands by 6.72 per quarter for this year.

Mandated to participate

There is a requirement for every resident to participate with the new service - even if they currently don't have trash service. However, there is an option to have shared service with your next door neighbor - under the following conditions:
  • The option for the town to implement shared accounts is built into the contract
  • Application to Town for approval
  • Two adjacent properties
  • Agreement in writing about responsibility for bill payment
  • Full-sized trash, recycling with no bulk
  • Overfilled carts or material outside carts are grounds for town to revoke approval

Additional Points to Note

  • Service is scheduled to begin for most residents September 1, 2025.
  • Neighborhoods with existing trash contracts will not be required to change to the new service until their current contract term ends.
  • There is a vacation hold option. Residents may stop service for up to six months. No collection charges for the first 90 days. There will be a $50 reinstatement fee after 90 days. Full servicing charges restart automatically after 6 months. (Clarification is needed here - this will be updated when clarified)
  • In addition to trash and recycling services, customers would be able to schedule a quarterly bulk waste pickup at no additional charge.
  • It was discussed that the residents would need to contact their current waste provider to discuss what if any, they will be charged to pick up their current cans. It was mentioned that initial discussions with Waste Management has said they will only charge $75 for the 2 cans as opposed to $75 each.

If you were unable to attend the town council meeting, you can watch the recording of the meeting by clicking here.

Town of Sahuarita Frequently Asked Questions.

Ordinance which gives the Town of Sahuarita the ability to mandate trash service.

Author: John Backer
John is a REALTOR® who spent 8 years serving on the town of Sahuarita Planning and Zoning commission and 4 years on the Pima County Board of Adjustment. He has lived in Madera Highlands since 2007.
Arizona Independent News